
About ALAN

I’m a storyteller. Each sculpture has a story. Some whimsical, some serious, some sad. But I try to make them all thought provoking. 

The names that I give to my sculptures are meant to be a clue as to what was in my mind when I made them. That’s to get you thinking, and then to allow you to continue to create the rest of the story that’s relevant to you.

My sculptures are incredibly varied. I don’t want to be seen as an artist who creates just one style or concept. I make pieces that aren’t overly detailed and I don’t try to be anatomically accurate. Rather, I focus on emotions and movement to convey the story.

I’ve studied with: 

  • OD’A Palestra Artistica – Milan Italy

  • Boutros Romhein – Carrara Italy

  • Chengdong Guo – Paris France

  • Tom Bass Sculpture School – Sydney Australia

  • Sydney Sculpture School – Sydney Australia

It’s been a privilege to be invited to display my sculptures in galleries and exhibitions in Milan, Sydney, Melbourne, and throughout NSW and Victoria.

I’m extremely grateful to the people in UK, USA, Italy, Malta, Singapore and Australia who have purchased my sculptures.